An Khe Stagefield

U.S. Army Photo - Private Collection

Stagefield: AN KHE

Latitude/Longitude:32°51'3"N 97°57'21"W

Army Map Service Coordinates: NM977350

Telephone Number: None Field

Elevation: 1010 ft

Traffic Pattern Altitude: 1500 ft

Radio Call: An Khe

Frequencies: 231.2 - 143.30



2 Autorotation Lanes: 1600' x 50' each

4 Approach Lanes: 4 pads per lane - 30' x 30'

1 Refueling Lane

No paved hovering area


No fixed lighting

Electricity: Portable Generator, 10 KW


Windsocks: 2 - 1 each in SE and NW corners


Permanent Control Tower: Air conditioned, light gun


Radios: 2 ARC - 60 (UHF), 1 ARC - 524 (VHF)


All weather access road

Distance from Fort Wolters : Air 4.9 N.M., Ground 9.2 S.M.


Ready Room: 8 Tables with chairs, no air conditioning, no water available at site, temporary latrines


Wind T: Located mid-field


Restricted Areas: Town of Garner, 3 KM SW, Do not fly within 500 meters radius of 1 house and field 1 mile NW.


Hazard: Stagefield terraced from lane to lane. Use caution when hovering across lanes.



Present Day Aerial View