On November 16th, 1942, Private Merriam W. Curtis wrote a letter to a friend, Norm Hammer, who worked at E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. in Flint, Michigan. Pvt. Curtis was a trainee at Camp Wolters, assigned to Co. B 52nd Bn. The letter and photo has survived over sixty years.

Private Merriam Curtis with the trophy he won for shooting highest score in his battalion.

Note: Click on thumbnails for larger view.
Mr. Norm Hammer.
Well hello Mr. Hammer. I'll bet you are surprised to hear from me. Well here I am deep in the heart of Texas, can't say I like it as much as I do Michigan but it isn't bad down here, the climate is fairly warm but it gets plenty cool at night.
Well I'm in an Infantry camp but I'm studying to be a Communications man, I'd rather be a Switch Board operator or a line man when I leave here. I've got 5 more weeks here and then I'm going some where, but don't know where.
Tell all the boy's hello for me and tell any of them to write. I'll try and answer them.
Say I've made a little record for myself. I did some pretty fair shooting. I made expert with the 03 .30 cal. rifle. I also shot high for our Battalion, and as a result we were presented with a trophy, which I think is pretty nice.
Well I think I had better close as I have plenty of work to do.
Write when you can.
Yours Truly
Merriam Curtis
