Pinto (Stagefield #1)

U.S. Army Photo - Private Collection

Stagefield: PINTO (Stagefield #1)

Latitude/Longitude:32°52'42"N 98°0'31"W

Army Map Service Coordinates: NM928380

Telephone Number: Ext 3219

Elevation: 1003 ft

Traffic Pattern Altitude: 1500 ft

Radio Call: Pinto

Frequencies: 230.1 - 141.05



6 Lanes : 1600' x 50' each

Hovering Area: 900' x 175'

Parking Area: OH-23 - 26 ; TH-55 - 34


Fixed Lighting: Lanes 3 and 4 - Runway Lights; Lanes 1, 2, 5, & 6 - Approach Lights

Electricity: Commercial Power


Windsocks: 5: 1 in each corner, 1 near tower


Wind T: Lighted, located mid-field


Permanent Control Tower: Air conditioned, light gun, wind velocity and direction indicator, flight training status lights.


Radios Available in Tower: 2 ARC - 60 radios (UHF) - 1 ARC - 524 (VHF)


Hard surface access road from heliport.

Distance from Fort Wolters: Air - 3.3 NM - Ground - 4.6 SM


Ready Room: 11 tables with chairs, air cooled, permanent latrine, potable water, 2 blackboards, bleachers - seating outside for approximately 350.


Restricted Areas: None


Remarks: Ideal for demonstrations


Present Day Aerial View