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Southwestern Bell Booklet |
Note: All of the following text comes from the Camp Wolters information booklet that was published as a service for the troops by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. A scan of all of the pages can be viewed at a photo gallery and all of the pages can be viewed at high resolution by clicking the enlarge button. Welcome to Wolters!
Men of Camp Wolters are Infantry soldiers, members of the largest single branch of the Army. During your training here, you will become familiar with many weapons, the rifle, machine gun, mortar, bayonet, hand grenade, and others. Your stay at Wolters is short. The training offered you here is like life insurance - the more you take away with you the better off you will be. The Soldier's Uniform - One mark of a good soldier is his appearance. You should wear the correct uniform properly at all times. Acquaint yourself with regulations on wearing and caring for your uniform. You should keep your shoes in good condition. Without charge, your footwear is collected for necessary repairs at your supply at designated times. All equipment issued to you is charged to you and you are responsible for it. Passes, Leaves, and Furloughs - You must remain in Camp during your first ten days at Wolters. In that time, your officers and non-commissioned officers will acquaint you with the Camp's many facilities for recreation. After that, unless on duty, you may go to Mineral Wells or Weatherford after Retreat. Usually you are free on Sundays. Overnight trips to Fort Worth and Dallas require a pass from your first sergeant. Only a limited number of men from any one organization may be granted overnight passes at one time. Three-day passes may be granted in exceptional cases. Furloughs will be given in actual emergencies. Before leaving camp, be sure you fulfill all requirements. Visitors - All visitors must be identified at the Main gate and tell the Military Police whom they wish to visit. Hospital visitors should apply at the information desk in the Station Hospital at Brooke Circle and Lee Road. Information - Information about camp personnel, location of units and other general data, may be had by telephoning 29 or 30, camp telephone exchange, or inquiring at the Internal Security office, just inside the Main gate. Insurance - You are eligible to buy National Service life Insurance. Policies may be issued in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. A $10,000 policy costs $6.40 a month if you are 18 years old, and up to $8.50 if you are 40 or older. Premiums will be deducted from your monthly pay. The Army suggest that you make arrangements for National Service life Insurance while at Camp Wolters. Information may be had from your topkick or C.O. Servicemen's Dependents' Allowance - An act of Congress passed in 1942 enables you to authorize a deduction from your pay, to which is added a contribution by the government, to help maintain the serviceman's dependents. The soldier's wife and children need not be dependent upon him to be eligible for allowance. Other relatives, parents, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren must be dependent. Your first sergeant or company commander can furnish you with the necessary forms and additional information.
Mail Service - At Wolters there are two mail calls on weekends and one on Sundays.
Telegraph Service - Telegraph messages are delivered rapidly at Camp Wolters. Upon receipt of a telegram for you the telegraph office telephones the information to you at your orderly room. A copy of the telegram is sent you through the Message center. The telegraph office is at the Signal Office near I.R.T.C. headquarters. Telegrams may be sent from there or any public telephone. Camp Libraries - In addition to the Service Club Libraries, big selections of books are kept in area libraries in battalion recreation halls and places easily accessible to personnel of special units. Books on almost every subject are available at these libraries. Special Service Branch - The Special Service Branch maintains and operates camp theaters, service clubs, libraries, guest houses, the sports arena, athletics, recreation, and adult education programs. Office of the Special Service Officer is Building T-791, Area 4.
Cashing of Checks - Checks of $50.00 or less, if drawn on a Mineral Wells bank and if endorsed by your Company Commander, may be cashed at the Cashier's Office, Main Camp Exchange, near I.R.T.C. headquarters. Checks for smaller amounts may be cashed at the Hostess' Office, Main Service Club, if endorsed by an officer or a Service Club Hostess.
Service Clubs - Fun houses and recreation roosts for Woltersmen are the Camp's Service Clubs. Libraries, pianos, cafeterias, soda fountains, writing desks, stationery, hostess, comfortable chairs, entertainments, dances, and 1001 other pleasurable attractions keep Service Clubs bustling with things of interest for you.
Sports Arena - Field house and athletic center at Wolters is the modern Sports Arena on the north side of the Loop. With a seating capacity of 3,500, the arc-top building contains athletic equipment for almost every sport.
Guest Houses - Guest houses are provided on the reservation where a soldier's family and friends may stay while visiting him. Rates are 50 cents per person per night. Reservations must be made in advance. Because of the demand for accommodations, no room may be occupied by one party for more than three days.
Theaters - Top-flight Hollywood films are shown in Wolter's theatres. Theatre 1 presents twp shows nightly while theaters 2 and 3 present one show nightly.
Recreation Halls - Battalion recreation halls have pool and ping pong tables, stationary, desks, desks, soft drink machines, magazines, books, etc.
Public Relations Branch - Keeping the folks back home informed about you and your Army progress is part of the business of the Public Relations Branch. For every soldier arriving at Camp Wolters, a short story is sent to his hometown paper. Stories also are released on promotions of officers and non-coms.
U.S.O... Clubs - U.S.O... provides entertainment and relaxation for you in Mineral Wells.
Automobiles - The Army recommends that you leave your car at home. Trainees are not forbidden to have them, but cars brought to camp must pass mechanical tests and owners must obtain Camp Wolters license plates from the Internal Security Officer at the Main Gate.
Traffic Regulations - Traffic rules are enforced strictly in Camp. Speed limits range from 20 to 25 miles per hour. When passing troops, maximum speed is 10 m.p.h. Park only in designated parking areas which are clearly marked. Military Police - The M.P.'s perform the same function in the Army that police perform in civilian life. They represent the camp Commander and carry out his orders. They must be obeyed and treated with the same respect as a soldier on guard.
Transportation - In the Rail Transportation Office T-205, there is an information booth at which you can learn schedules, routes and fares of trains, buses and planes. For the most convenient method of getting the information you need, go to the Rail Transportation Office rather than to the bus company or railroad station. The office is located directly across from Fire Station No.1.
Camp Exchanges - Camp stores, commonly called the "PX", are located in every area. PX's are open during most of your free hours. Most articles you need are available at reasonable prices. Profits are spent for recreational equipment in camp.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning - The Quartermaster Laundry does all of your laundry for a flat charge of $1.50 a month. The Army supplies and launders sheets and pillow cases. Commercial dry cleaning establishments are located in each area. Refreshment Centers - Camp Wolters' three Refreshment Centers serve popular brands of bottled beer, soft drinks, tobacco, candy, and ice cream.
Religious Services - There are Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant chaplains and chapels at Camp Wolters. Chaplains are glad to assist you in any way they can. If you desire guidance, advice, or want to talk to some one who is interested in your problems, don't hesitate to call on your chaplain.
Medical Service - Extensive facilities have been established at Camp Wolters to see that you are healthy and stay healthy.
The Red Cross - The American Red Cross stretches its helping hand to soldiers at home and abroad. Headquarters at Camp Wolters are in a colonial style building between the Sports Arena and Area 4. The red Cross field director and his staff are ready to help you when you need assistance, counsel, a loan, information, or advice. Dealings with the Red Cross are confidential. The Red Cross also maintains a Recreation Room at the Station Hospital, complete with auditorium for soldier entertainment.
Housing - Housing facilities in the vicinity of Camp Wolters are scarce. Soldiers are urged not to bring their families here until they locate a place for them to live, and until they have sufficient funds to meet their needs should living expenses be higher than they anticipate. There is little likelihood of a soldier's wife finding a job in Mineral Wells.
Legal Assistance - The soldier in need of legal advice is referred to the Legal Assistance Office, Building T-208, in the Camp Headquarters Area. Open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, from 6:30 to 7:30 Thursday evenings, and any other evening by appointment, the office furnishes legal assistance and advice free of charge to any member of the Armed Forces. Information divulged by a soldier seeking legal help is treated confidentially. Phone numbers of the office is 92, 93, or 94, camp telephone exchange.