Vinh Long Stagefield

U.S. Army Photo - Private Collection

Stagefield: VINH LONG

Latitude/Longitude: 32°43'54"N 98°19'40"W

Army Map Service Coordinates: NM629215

Telephone Number: None

Field Elevation: 1220 ft

Traffic Pattern Altitude: 1700 ft

Radio Call: Vinh Long

Frequencies: 245.7 - 141.30



2 Autorotation Lanes: 1600' x 50'

4 Approach Lanes: with 4 pads per lane 30' x 30'

1 Refueling


No fixed lighting

Electricity: ONAN Portable Generator, 10KW


Windsocks: 2; 1 each in NE and SW corner


Permanent Control Tower: Air conditioned, light gun


Radios Available in Tower:

2 ARC - 60 (UHF), 1 ARC - 524 (VHF)


All weather access road


Ready Room: Not air conditioned, no water available at site, temporary latrine, 6 tables with chairs


Distance from Fort Wolters: Air 15.9 NM; Ground 23.0 SM


Restricted Areas: None



a. Use caution when performing autorotations on Lane 5 due to an uneven elevation.


b. Use caution when hovering between lanes due to large rocks, tall weeds and uneven terrain.





Present Day Aerial View